SRI Investments That Didn’t Work: Short Lessons Learned from World-Class Investors – 2 Years of Insights (#047)


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As the SRI360 podcast approaches its second anniversary, I’ve created a “best of” episode featuring some of my favorite and most insightful responses from one of the most popular questions in my interviews.

It covers the lessons learned from investments that were convincing, but in the end, didn’t turn out as expected.

This episode features:

[02:12] Bram Bos: Green Bonds Investing
Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
Former Lead Portfolio Manager of Green, Social, and Impact Bonds at NN Investment Partners.
Listen to his full episode:

[03:45] Jennifer Pryce: Community Investing
President and CEO of Calvert Impact Capital and Board Member of UNICEF USA’s Impact Fund for Children.  Listen to her full episode:

[05:00] Marisa Drew: Millennial Investing
Chief Sustainability Officer of the Standard Chartered Bank in London.
Listen to her full episode:

[07:00] Mark Dowding: Fixed Income & Sovereign Bonds Investing
Chief Investment Officer at BlueBay Asset Management. 
Listen to his full episode:

[08:49] Matt Patsky: Public Equities Investing
CEO & Lead Portfolio Manager of the Trillium ESG Global Equity Strategy and Portfolio Manager of the Trillium Sustainable Opportunities Strategy.
Listen to his full episode:

[09:57] Patrick Drum: Faith-Based Investing
Portfolio Manager of the Sustainable Fixed Income Fund & Amana Participation Fund for Saturna Capital.
Listen to his full episode:

[11:28] Radha Kuppalli: Real Asset Investing
Former Managing Director of Impact and Advocacy at New Forests.
Listen to her full episode:

[13:53] Tammy Newmark: Biodiversity Impact Investing
CEO and Managing Partner of EcoEnterprises Fund.
Listen to her full episode:

[15:44] Chris Ailman: Sustainable Institutional Investing
Founder and CEO, Ailman Advisers. Former CIO of CalSTRS, the largest educational pension fund in the world. Listen to his full episode:

[16:49] Martin Berg: Natural Capital Investing
CEO of Climate Asset Management.
Listen to his full episode:

[18:52] Amy Novogratz: Sustainable Aquaculture Investing
Co-Founder of AquaSpark.
Listen to her full episode:

[21:12] Ed Marcum: Supply Chain Impact Investing 
Managing Director of Working Capital Fund.
Listen to his full episode:

[22.29] Karla Mora: Sustainable Fashion Investing
Founder and Managing Partner of Alante Capital.
Listen to her full episode:

[24:22] Sharon Vosmek: Venture Capital Investing
CEO of Astia, Managing Partner of the Astia Fund.
Listen to her full episode:

[26:27] Charlotte Kaiser: Impact-Driven Forestry Investing
Head of Impact Finance, BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group.
Listen to her full episode:

Tune in to hear what these world-class investors in sustainable and responsible investing had to say.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyOvercastPodcast AddictPocket Casts, Castbox, Google PodcastsAmazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.



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