Impact Investing: A Win-Win for Health & Wealth | Kieron Boyle, Impact Investing Institute (#044)


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It’s in every investor’s interest and every business’s interest to have a healthy society. That’s just good for business and for investing. ”

— Kieron Boyle

Research shows that 81% of adults would like their investments to do some good as well as provide a financial return. However, the skepticism surrounding impact investing and limited awareness of the tools, standards, and regulations that support it holds many investors back in their impact journey.

What the world needs now is greater advocacy for integrating social good into mainstream investment practices, which is precisely what we’re going to explore with today’s guest, Kieron Boyle.

Kieron Boyle is a visionary leader working on shaping policy around impact investing for social good. Currently, he’s the Chief Executive of the Impact Investing Institute in London, an independent, non-profit organization with the goal of making capital markets fairer and better aligned with the UK’s and the world’s current social and environmental needs.

Prior to the Impact Investing Institute, Kieron served as the Chief Executive of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation for seven years, managing their £1 billion foundation investment arm. His highly distinguished career spans several influential roles, including a senior advisor role at No. 10 Downing Street, which led to this Cabinet Office role as Head of Impact Investment and as a non-executive director at the world’s first social investment bank — Better Society Capital.

With this breadth of experience, Kieron has consistently driven real-world change through innovative financial strategies focused on urban health and social good.

Our conversation delivers insights into Kieron’s goal of shaping investment frameworks that not only yield financial returns but also address crucial global challenges surrounding health and climate change. We discuss his achievements in his most prominent roles and also his efforts in establishing major initiatives like the Long-term Investors in People’s Health (LIPH), a $7 trillion global alliance of institutional investors working to improve people’s health.

Tune in to learn more about how you can contribute to societal change while also achieving financial growth.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyOvercastPodcast AddictPocket Casts, Castbox, Google PodcastsAmazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.




[00:00] Meet Kieron Boyle, his early life, & formative experiences

[23:45] Kieron’s beginnings in strategy consulting

[45:43] The world’s first social investment bank, Big Society Capital

[59:18] Kieron’s time at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Foundation

[01:35:03] Transition to the Impact Investing Institute & their theory of change

[01:45:16] Kieron’s plans for the Impact Investing Institute

[01:54:17] Rapid fire questions


“What is fascinating about our work is we act as a bridge between mainstream financial markets and new economic ideas. ”
— Kieron Boyle

“If we want money to exist now and that money to exist in the future, we need to be thinking with much greater coherence about the world in which that money’s being invested. ”
— Kieron Boyle



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