Can Impact Investing Return DOUBLE Digits? | Anish Majmudar, M&G plc. (#043)


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We’re aiming to accelerate the shift to a sustainable world by providing capital that helps build, upgrade, and maintain the real assets that we need in the future.

— Anish Majmudar

Portfolios looking to make a real-world impact are increasingly considering real assets as part of their investment strategies.

With a trillion-dollar investment gap in our global infrastructure, this seems like a smart move. Real asset investing is not only driving progress worldwide, it’s also a smart long-term investment to secure our planet’s future.

But some may ask… what is the real extent of impact that real assets can generate? In this episode, we’re going to find out.

My guest is Anish Majmudar, the Head of Real Assets at M&G plc., whose team focuses on investments in infrastructure, agriculture and nature based solutions. Anish studied economics at University College London and entered the world of finance and asset management in 2012 thanks to the graduate program at M&G. His curiosity for alternative assets ultimately led to a crucial role in growing Prudential Assurance Company’s real assets portfolio, which is now part of M&G’s Impact & Private Equity division.

In this episode, Anish and I lay out all the opportunities and challenges within the real asset impact investing space, an area that M&G is opening up for a broader range of investors, having previously been the preserve of large institutional pools of capital. These investments aim to bridge the massive infrastructure spending gap with sustainable solutions, focusing on energy transition, responsible consumption and production, and social and economic inclusion.

We also discuss how this strategic approach is about much more than just capital investment for returns; it’s about leveraging private capital and M&G’s expertise to create clean energy, improve biodiversity, and open doors for underserved communities, thereby driving decarbonization and advancing global sustainability.

Tune in to gain a better understanding of the deep impact that strategic investments in real assets can bring to our world.

Listen to the episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyOvercastPodcast AddictPocket Casts, Castbox, Google PodcastsAmazon Music, or on your favorite podcast platform. You can watch the interview on YouTube here.

What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let me know in the comments.




[00:00] Episode introduction

[02:58] Meet Anish Majmudar & his beginnings in asset management

[16:45] An overview of M&G plc & Anish’s focus on real asset impact investing

[21:53] Zoning in on M&G’s real asset impact fund

[30:35] M&G’s focus on energy transition, responsible consumption, & social inclusion projects

[46:04] How Anish identifies investment targets, impact washing, & investment exits

[56:10] Measuring impact & examples of M&G’s investment methodology

[01:06:35] Carbon and biodiversity credits & the competitive advantage in real asset investing

[01:11:50] Rapid fire questions


“We should continue to look forward and think about the things that people are missing because therein lies an investment opportunity as well as an ability to do some good. ”
— Anish Majmudar

“We’re trying to blend long-term, yield-generating investments that will be in the portfolio for a very long time with more growth-focused strategies that can help scale up the infrastructure businesses of tomorrow. ”
— Anish Majmudar



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